Monday, April 5, 2010

The Living Aquarium

We took Mylee to the living aquarium and had alot of fun. Her favorite things to see were the penguins, the snake, and the sharks. By the end of it she just wanted to sit on the frog and run around.
Grandma Janet had bought Mylee a finding Nemo book and inside it had a picture of a snake as my mom was showing it to her she was telling Mylee that Pa hates snakes. Ever since then its pretty close to a daily basis she will ask Pa like snakes? i have to tell her NO pa doesn't like snakes. She has been fascinated by that. So after we went to the aquarium we called Pa to tell him that we went and saw a snake!!

This first picture is for you Pa!!

First snowfall

The first time it snowed this year, Mylee definitely had to get all bundled up and go out in it. She loved it. She was so bundled up that it was a little hard for her to walk around but quickly got the hang of it. Like every kid she liked eating the snow. Her and daddy made a snow man and had so much fun!