Monday, August 9, 2010

Disney Land

Jesse has been working in California a little bit this summer and is only about 10 minutes from Disneyland, so with that being said I didn't even hesitate about going down there to take Mylee for the first time. I love Disney land and so I couldn't wait to be able to take her there. Being that Mylee is only two I didn't know quite what to expect I knew that she would like some things about it but didn't know how much she would be able to take. I am so glad that we were able to work it out for us to go down there because we had so much fun and Mylee loved it! It was her first time riding on an airplane and she did awesome it didn't bother her at all maybe because I had lots of snacks and took a movie for her to watch but regardless she thought it was fun to ride on a plane.

Where all your dreams come true!

Here are some of the characters that Mylee wanted to meet.

Bouncing with Tiger

Since Mylee was about 13 months old she loved watching The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and will still watch it so I knew that she would love to see Mickey and his friends so one morning we took her to a breakfast with Mickey and friends. It was so worth it and was priceless when she saw Mickey. Both Jesse and I were just laughing because she looked like she was star struck she couldn't believe it, she went straight to him and gave him the biggest hug and would not let go. Mickey was really cute with her and spent lots of one on one time with her. It was so fun to watch and Mylee loved it.

Meeting all the characters

Learning a dance with Minnie and Daisy

We decided to go to the beach one day and had so much fun, Mylee absolutely loved it. She loved playing in the ocean it was so cute. The water was really cold but that didn't stop Mylee she loved being in the water running into the waves and then running away from them. We made sandcastles, found seashells, and just relaxed.


Cassi Carlson said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I love how Mylee has her faced pressed up against the characters faces! Love you guys!

Sid and Michelle said...

It looks like you guys had a ton of fun!! I bet Mylee just loved Mickey Mouse. That is so cute. It was good to see you at girls night. Hopefully it won't be long until the next time!!

Tricia said...

Looks like a fun trip! I'm glad you got to go!

melissa said...

it looks like she had such a fun time!!!!! she looks so happy in every picture! i really really wish i would have gotten to see you and Mylee. it would have been so much fun seeing her experience all that.

Ballard Family said...

Cute pic's! I love the one of her kissing Jesse in front of the faris wheel, so sweet! and btw, your smile was as big as hers there...pretty sure both of you were in HEAVEN!!!!:)