Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mylee's 2nd birthday

Where have the two years gone?? Time goes by way to fast. Sweet girl we love you so much, you have brought so much joy to dad and I. We are so thankful to have you in our life. You are at the funnest cutest stage and we are loving every minute of it. Its been so fun to watch your different stages. You definitely are a mama and daddy's girl, there is usually no other place that you would rather be then right here at home with us. Whenever we go anywhere I can usually plan on you asking to go home at least a couple of times. You are constantly making dad and I laugh. You have a mind of your own and usually know exactly what you want and there's usually no changing your mind(and when that happens dad usually says your just like your mom). You are very sweet and very well mannered. Right now some things that you love to do are play pretend whether its your doll house, baby dolls, kitchen set, puppies, and having tea parties. You love to read and color and of course being outside. You also love to play with trampy boy, the cute thing is if we ask what have you been doing it never fails you say I play with trampy boy! You are full of personality and say some of the cutest things. I hear all day...come and play, you don't like to play by yourself very much and even though sometimes i think you need to play by yourself I wouldn't change it for anything because I love to play with you to! Your catching on to everything both dad and I do and sometimes I don't know if its the best. But sometimes it sure is funny especially when you boss daddy around(or should I say Jes or Jesse since that is what you will call him). You are so beautiful you have the prettiest eyes, the cutest little nose, and the most perfect lips. We adore you in every way and love you more than words could ever express! thank you for filling our lives with so much joy sweetie we love you!!
We were in Vernal for Mylee's birthday so we had a little birthday party for her at the park, the weather wasn't the nicest so we had to make it short and sweet! If you would ask Mylee what is today she would say my birthday week! All week I had told her your birthday is coming up so she was excited she loved her balloons, cake, and loved being sang to which she joined in and sang to herself. She loved opening up her presents and got a lot of cute and fun things. It was fun to have family there to spend it with us!

Mylee wouldn't leave her cake alone, she kept saying I love my birthday cake!

Playing at the park

Opening presents


Unknown said...

Wow, 2 already!! She is seriously so cute. She is such a doll.

Kassi Luck said...

hahaha!! SOrry, I forgot to sign Levi out of Google before i made a comment. The first message is from me!!

Tricia said...

Happy Birthday Mylee!! I still can't believe it was 2 years ago we were both starting our families. Such great memories!